Declaration of Independence - Trumbull

Jefferson not influenced by Enlightenment Thinkers!?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

In Texas We Don't Burn Textbooks We Rewrite Them

I could not resist this video. It's funny but it's also right on point. I have written an article that explains the whole issues at Active History . I was honored to be able to write an article for them. At the same time be aware that the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) is due to vote this Friday on the proposed standards. Hence, we need to standby to begin to boycott the publisher(s) who will publish what Winston Churchill called "terminological inexactitudes."

Despite the humor of the video, it illustrates a starker point. These standards will actually not promote education or raise standards. What they will do for the students of Texas public schools is LOWER standards putting these students at a disadvantage when it comes to college enrollment. With these standards Texas students have now been labeled as deficient in their learning. While they may get excellent marks in high school, college admissions boards will now assess Texas students with a jaundiced eye. And since 70% of high school students go to college, they will not be able to compete with peers who had the advantage of not going to a Texas public school. While high schools are not exactly equal nationwide, Texas students will now have to face the fact that the publicity of their inadequate education will not help them get into college. It will put them in the distinguished category that many college seekers dread, remedial. Yes, high school students may face an inordinate number of conditional college acceptances that of being forced to take remedial course before they are actually admitted. While this is not a disgrace in any way, it is the path that the SBOE has chosen for its students. And let's not forget the added cost Texas students will have to pay for their higher education because of this deficiency. Remedial classes do not always count towards a degree.

So, while the SBOE appears to be ready to lower standards, the rest of the high school population will now see college as a further away than they previously thought and their high school education sadly lacking.

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